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Moving to your new home

6 Tips for staying organized while packing for your new home

Moving can be a stressful time, even if you are excited about the important milestone of buying a new house. But preparing for the move in advance can help keep some of that stress away, and can make the experience about your new home.

Here are 6 tips for making your moving experience the best it can be:


Moving is a great time (maybe the best time) to take stock of the things you own, and the things you can let go. Take the opportunity to reassess the things you really need, especially as it relates to your new home. Chances are you can do some good by giving some of your items to charity, or someone more in need.

Keep checklists

Checklists, when done correctly, is one of the best ways to keep you organized during a move. Keep track of your to-do list, schedule, and inventory of items you are moving. You can also use those checklists to make a list of important phone numbers, like your real estate agent, utilities, movers, and your home builder.


Scheduling your move in advance will help make the day or days of the move less stressful. This includes not only the day of the move, but also what you hope to accomplish on days leading up to the move – which will help you keep track of your progress to be ready when the movers arrive.


Whether you have movers or are doing the move yourself, labeling your items will help the unloading process into your new home. Size up the rooms in your new home before the move to give yourself an idea of the space in each room and where you’d like to put things. You can then label your boxes accordingly so you know which box goes where.

Pack essentials last

In a perfect world, the moving process would take only a few hours and you would be completely moved in and settled on the first day. But because that is not always the case, remember that you will not only need your essentials in your old home up until you move, but you will also need them in your new home as soon as you move in. Essentials could include items like shampoo, important phone numbers, work clothes, and food.

Keep a positive attitude

Remember, moving into a new home is an exciting milestone! Although it can be stressful at times, know that once you get through it you will have a brand new home. Follow these tips to help make your next move a breeze.


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