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couple shaking hands with realtor, happy that they were able to sell their home fast.

7 Expert Tips to Sell Your Home Fast

Buying a new home is a fantastic adventure, but often the answer to what new home you buy depends on how quickly you can sell your current home. Listed below are steps you can take to help you sell your home fast.

Here they are, from largest investment to smallest:

Find your oldest appliance—and update it.

The kitchen is the most inhabited room in your house. Not only is it for food prep and dining, but it’s also the activity center of your home: where kids do homework, where you sit down to pay bills, and where you entertain your neighbors that pop over from next door.

Upgraded appliances are a mainstay of any modern kitchen, and are often a huge selling feature to a potential buyer. If you have one appliance that’s older than the others, or one that even looks older (think split or yellowing plastic, faded buttons, etc.), updating to more cohesive appliances in the kitchen will help you sell your home fast. These appliances will add value to your home and reduce the amount of money and sweat equity that buyers see themselves having to do upon move-in. Stainless steel is a solid bet and coordinates well with all other colors.

Staging isn’t just for plays!

If you need to move out of your home before you’ve sold it, consider hiring a company to stage your major rooms like the kitchen, living room, dining room, and bedrooms. They will temporarily move in furniture and neutral décor to help the buyer envision what the house would look like with their belongings inside. While staging can be expensive, it’s also a quick return on investment. Staged houses sell in just 1/8 the time of empty ones—six days instead of 48, on average. Another (free) solution if you have access to a truck and haven’t moved far: leave behind only the furniture you still need to stage your home until it sells, then move that furniture to your new home later.

Two words: curb appeal.

The outside of your home is your first chance to make a good impression—don’t underestimate it if you want to sell your home fast! New paint is a sure bet for a better exterior, yet it’s often not an investment that’s worth the cost. One of the best ways to update your exterior without breaking the bank is focusing on landscape: making sure that your flowerbeds are mulched and filled with annuals—a total investment of about $150-200.

This small effort sends the message that your home is well cared for and that you’re proud of it. Just don’t forget to mow the lawn!

Hire a professional cleaner.

Even if you don’t usually hire a professional cleaner on a regular basis, it’s often worth doing while your home is on the market. Any small amount of dirt, from crumbs under the high chair to a single hair in the sink, can send the message that your space is dirty or not properly cared for—even if that isn’t the truth. Hiring a pro will allow you to focus on keeping the house neat instead of fretting about keeping it clean.

Declutter by a third.

Over the course of a few years (or even a few decades), you’re bound to accumulate a generous number of knick-knacks, photos, and mementos. Remove the amount of décor by about one-third to free up space in your home and make it seem bigger to potential buyers. Ask to store a large box or two in a friend’s basement, or rent a small storage unit. Removing anything personalized like photos is actually a wise choice to help you sell fast. It’s easier for your potential buyer to see themselves living there without the presence of another family.

Touch up spots with paint or a Magic Eraser.

Living in a home is bound to create dings on doorframes, smudges on walls, and scratches on cabinets. That’s life! But when you’re ready to show your home, going the extra mile can help you make your interior look like a model home. The good news? You can definitely do it yourself. Either find a small paint can that matches your current paint or use a Magic Eraser with water. Go through each room in your house like a detective to find and cover up any stains or spots. You’ll be glad you did.

Be ready to dive into the car or go for a walk at a moment’s notice.

In real estate sales, showings can happen fast. Keeping your house neat and clean and staying flexible in case you need to be out of the house are some of the best ways to increase the chance that your house will sell. This allows as many potential buyers as possible the opportunity to see your home, which increases the chances for you to sell your home. Keep an empty drawer in a dresser where you can throw laundry, books, and anything else you need to store quickly, and when it comes to showings, avoid the temptation to say “not right now,” even if you’ve just started getting dinner ready.

At Pahlisch Homes, we build a worry-free home so you can live a worry-free life. Explore our communities in Oregon and Washington, or contact us at 541.204.2470.


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